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I explore the physical properties of clay through varying the forming techniques. I am interested in the relationship between form and surface and make my own ash glazes. I use the properties of various glazes and clay bodies for decorative effect, how one will run on top of another, how the iron-rich body comes through on the rim of a bowl.

I'm particularly interested in working with black clay and iron rich clay bodies. A few years ago I started making vessels using the Kurinuki technique, starting from a solid block of clay and  hollowing out the inside, adding texture to the outside, making each piece absolutely unique. I’m influenced by traditional Japanese and Korean ceramics.

I spent February and March 2023 as Artist in Residence at Auckland Studio Potters in New Zealand and got to fire my pots in reduction. Working with new local clay bodies yielded new forms and surfaces.


I want my pots to bring joy to the eye and the hand of the user and I very much hope my pots get used, rather than sleep on a safe shelf!


My work is in private collections in the UK and in South Korea. You can find some of my larger, one-off pieces at Cambridge Ceramics Gallery.





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